My lean startup experiment is an experiment I’m running to see if it is possible to launch a successful product (product = customer facing software system) without spending too much money and in a short period of time.
In phase 1 I had 5 product ideas and wanted to know in which should I invest.
In phase 2 I pick the idea with more interest from phase 1 and invested in creating the MVP (Minimal Viable Product), ContaCal, a calorie counter system.
My phase 3 objectives were:
I officially launched ContaCal on Sep 4th sending an email to all existing users plus the people who showed some interested during phase 1.
I used Google and Facebook. Both generate leads, but Google generated 3 to 4 times more leads than Facebook for my specific web application. Today I’m running a $30/day campaign in AdWords ($1500/month) and I don’t increase it because ContaCal still doesn’t generate any revenue. As soon as I find a sustainable revenue source for ContaCal I’ll certainly increase this investment.
During a certain period my web site was out for maintenance and Google suspended my AdWords campaign. It took 8 days and many emails sent with one or two replies for Google to resume my campaign. This hurter my new user subscription rate.
I received tons of feedback. Some asking for additional features, some with difficulties in using the system and some thank me for the system!
Based on the feedback, I used some additional development as well as adjustments to the site layout. That costed me around $1000.
Below you can find some statistics about new users and how this number relates to certain events.