POGE (Principle of Good Enough) is quite agile and very aligned with the MMF concept.
The principle of good enough (sometimes abbreviated to POGE) is a rule for software and systems design. It favours quick-and-simple (but potentially extensible) designs over elaborate systems designed by committees. Once the quick-and-simple design is deployed, it can then evolve as needed, driven by user requirements. Ethernet, the Internet protocol and the World Wide Web are good examples of this kind of design.
However, thinking about an ever evolving system, we should add two letter to this acronym, an F and an N:
POGEFN or Principle of Good Enough For Now.
This will help us build and market a system that is good enough for now, but always keeping an eye in the future of this system.
Erci Norlin wrote in 2004 at ZDNet that de POGE used in designing internet gave room to the
the endless schemes, scams, and shams that now dominate the Net are quickly dragging us toward a future wherein the Net as we know it is basically unusable.
So, use the POGE, but don’t forget that it should be good enough for now and may not be good enough in the future.