In this series of articles where I write about the relationship between product management and the other areas of the company, I wrote about:
Now I want to write about the relationship between project management and product management.
As with the functions of product marketing and product management which, as we saw in the previous article, are quite distinct but overlapping, project management and product management functions are also quite distinct, but they also have a lot in common.
Before talking about the difference between these functions, we need to make clear the difference between project and product. I will turn to Wikipedia once again:
A project in business and science is usually defined as a collaborative venture, often involving research or design, that is carefully designed to achieve a particular goal.
Source: Wikipedia
The term product is defined as “something produced by work or effort” or as “the result of an act or process” and has its origin in the Latin verb produce(re), ‘make exist’.
Source: Wikipedia
That is, while the project is a process with a beginning, middle, and end; product is the result of a process.
Yes. While one manages a project, her concern is with the process and everything that surrounds it, i.e., if it is on time, has everything that is needed and is being done with the expected quality.
On the other hand, when building a product, the main concern is to ensure that it solves a problem of the customer to whom it is intended, and meets the company’s objectives.
In a 2007 article at How To Be A Good Product Manager, author Jeff Lash recalls some important points to keep in mind when thinking about project management and product management:
Marty Cagan makes clear the need to separate these roles in one of his posts:
“For internet companies, it’s really important that the roles are separated. You’ll have trouble managing your releases if you don’t separate those roles, and your releases will always be late and longer than they should be.”
Agile methodologies, specifically Scrum, have two clear roles in the team: one more focused on the project, the Scrum Master; and another one more product-focused, the product owner (PO):
There is an article on InfoQ written by Mark Levison in 2008 entitled Can Product Owner and Scrum Master be Combined? – where the theme of having a single person managing project and product is discussed. Both in the opinions that make up the text – and include testimonials from people like Mike Cohn and Ken Schwaber – as in the comments made by readers of the article, it is unanimous that, although it is possible to combine the two roles – and if the team is very small, it is even acceptable – the most recommended is that they are performed by different people.
All the reports seen are based on actual facts, but we know that each company has its own reality and context. So, what is better to do: leave these roles separate or combined?
Ideally, you should experiment and at some point you will find a combination that suits you, the team you work with, and your business. Note that each group of people has its own dynamics, and what works in one group of people may not work for another.
At Locaweb, we have several teams developing different products, and each one has its own dynamics where the product manager assumes different responsibilities with respect to the team. In some, the responsibility for technical project management tasks – that is, taking care of product development, deployment and operation issues – is handled by a project manager, while at other times this responsibility is shared between the engineering leader and product manager.
On the other hand, in all teams, the product manager plays the role of project manager for all non-technical tasks. That is, she coordinates with the marketing team product communication, coordinates with legal and finance areas the product’s legal and tax requirements, supports marketing in training for sales teams and takes care of passing knowledge to the customer support team.
You must find a balance that makes sense to you, your team, and the company you work for. Be careful not to absorb all project management responsibilities. Try to share them with someone, especially the technical issues; otherwise, there will be no time left for you to manage your product.
Do you work with digital products? Do you want to know more about how to manage a digital product to increase its chances of success, solve its user’s problems and achieve the company objectives? Check out my Digital Product Management bundle with my 3 books where I share what I learned during my 30+ years of experience in creating and managing digital products:
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