Many leaders face the challenge of changing a company’s culture. The most common mistake is thinking that culture can be transformed by decree, with rules, speeches, or institutional presentations. The reality, however, is that culture does not change because someone tells it to—it changes when people see a new behavior generating results and start adopting it.
In other words, culture does not change with a decree but with results.
When a leader announces that “from now on, we will be more collaborative,” “we will have a data-driven culture,” or “we will adopt an agile mindset,” it may sound inspiring. However, without concrete examples and results to validate this change, the new directive tends to be ignored or generate resistance.
This happens because a company’s culture is nothing more than a set of expected behaviors in certain situations. And behaviors don’t change with words—they change with experience.
If we want a team to adopt a new way of reacting, we need to demonstrate this new reaction in practice, demonstrating that it generates value.
When I joined Lopes, the team was working on an “MVP” of an app for its brokers. I put quotation marks because it had been in development for 7 months, and there were still 2 or 3 months until it was delivered. When I delved a little deeper into the process and why it was taking so long, I learned a few things:
There are a few points to highlight from this process:
Regarding this last point, after some discussions, we thought of an app with just a push notification for each lead received, and the brokerage firm could continue with other tasks as it was already used to doing. To make it even simpler to test the solution hypothesis, we thought of not building an app but sending an SMS or a WhatsApp message to the brokerage firm. An A/B test can be performed to compare the closing rates of brokers who received SMS notifications with those who did not.
Even though we had made significant progress in developing the app, we decided to implement SMS notifications. It took us 10 days to implement them, and we were soon able to test the hypothesis that the faster a broker receives a lead and interacts with the client, the greater the chances of closing a deal.
This example of the Lopes broker app shows the importance of two principles of Product Culture: the need to 1) deliver quickly and frequently and 2) focus on the problem and understand it well to create and test solution hypotheses before developing the product.
This example helped me a lot at Lopes because I used it whenever the product development team received requests to implement solutions that had already been specified. When these demands arrived, we would say, “Your demand is interesting, but what problem do we want to solve? If you tell us the problem, the team can find faster and cheaper solutions. Remember the “MVP” of the broker app?”
Another very interesting example occurred at Wellhub, which was formerly known as Gympass. When I joined Wellhub in 2018, the product development team, including engineers, designers, and product managers, was tiny, less than 5% of the company’s total employees. Typically, tech companies have 25% to 40% of their employees on this team. Because the team was small and did not practice Product Culture, this team focused on meeting the demands of other company areas.
One time, one of these areas, the gym partnerships department, came to the product development team with a demand. The partnership manager was closing a deal with a new gym, and she said that to close the partnership, the gym was demanding that we change the check-in process to include the electronic signature of a liability waiver that the gym requests from all its new members. We explained that this would be a time-consuming change and that it would be very strange for the end user to have this change in how they checked in at only one specific gym.
We asked the partnership manager if we could talk to the gym to understand the problem better. We met with the person from the gym and the person who handled the gym’s legal issues. We asked why this request was being made and whether this requested format was mandatory, to which they said no, that it was just a suggestion. At that point, we asked if there was a link to the liability waiver with a text saying “By checking in at this gym, you agree to the Liability waiver available at XPTO”. The person from the legal department said yes, this was already enough. Then we showed them this implemented text since it was an optional field that could be filled in when registering a new gym, and everyone was happy. The people at the gym for having their problem solved, the partnership manager for being able to meet a client’s demand to close the partnership, and the product development team for not having to do a new development specifically for a client.
From that day on, the partnership manager started bringing us the demands of new partnerships, saying, “Look, the gym asked for this, but I think it’s better if you talk to them to better understand the problem.” Of course, we started using this example internally to illustrate the importance of focusing on the problem, one of the principles of Product Culture.
These examples illustrate a simple but powerful model for transforming a company’s culture:
I’ve been helping companies and their leaders (CPOs, heads of product, CTOs, CEOs, tech founders, and heads of digital transformation) bridge the gap between business and technology through workshops, coaching, and advisory services on product management and digital transformation.
Do you work with digital products? Do you want to know more about managing a digital product to increase its chances of success, solve its user’s problems, and achieve the company objectives? Check out my Digital Product Management books, where I share what I learned during my 30+ years of experience in creating and managing digital products: