When we implemented agile methodologies at Locaweb, the same way that some developers asked to leave because they were not willing to adapt to some of […]
Just found an interesting short presentation – 12 slides – about the mistakes to avoid when we try to change a behavior. By “behavior change” think […]
I just read a very good article entitled Our Priorities Reveal our Values from Simon Sinek. I already mentioned Simon in my article Purpose beyond profit. […]
Jason Yip just reminded me about the “under pressure” situation: When people are pressured to meet targets they have three ways to respond: Improve the system […]
Last week I read two very interesting posts in Dan North’s blog: Programming is not a craft On craftsmanship The first one explains why software development […]
Essa frase, a realidade é o que se percebe (reality is perception), é uma frase bastante conhecida. Mágicas e ilusões de ótica são baseadas nessa frase. […]