I’ve already written about the difference between solution-implementing teams and problem-solving teams. I’ve also written about the #1 responsibility of a product manager, which is to […]
When I talk about the release early and often behavior of successful product companies during in-company trainings or in-company talks, some people mention that their business […]
Now that I’m a full-time product leadership coach, I’ve managed to design a product that I believe will help many companies and their product development teams […]
Product Operations, or POps as some people have called it, is a role that has appeared with some frequency in product development teams, especially in reasonably […]
Yesterday the first group of product leaders finished the Product Vision and Strategy Workshop, where we discussed concepts and tools to help create a sound vision […]
As with the functions of product marketing and product management which, as we saw in the previous chapter, are quite distinct but overlapping, project management and […]
Similar to the question about the dedicated innovation team, this is another question I’ve been receiving a lot in my coaching sessions, so its answer may […]
That’s one of the findings of a study done by MIT Sloan researchers from CISR (Center for Information Systems Research) and published in the Spring 2021 […]