Many times, as product teams, we send out mixed messages without even realizing it. We ask other areas to bring us problems instead of solutions. “Don’t […]
Startup Guide, how startups and established companies can create profitable digital products, was the first book I wrote, originally published in 2012, focused on what we […]
If we search on Google for reasons why tech products fail, we will find many articles with many possible reasons explaining product failures. From 3 of […]
It’s pretty common for people who are new to product development to think that product discovery is a process, but we need to understand that’s incorrect. […]
The next area I want to comment on is the UX area which, along with product engineering and product management, forms the core product development team. […]
Lopes is the biggest real estate company in Brazil, where I’m leading the digital transformation efforts. A new hire who came from an e-commerce site mentioned that […]
I spoke previously about the relationship between Engineering and Product Management. The next area I want to comment on is the UX area which, along with product […]